Providing Stability to Prevent an Environmental Catastrophe
Superior liquid oil cleaner

De-Oil-It transforms pollution, oil spills, and fuels into a non-biohazard state.
Environmentally friendly

De-Oil-It optimizes the PH conditions to allow for a natural biodegradation process.
Optimal value

De-Oil-It ingredients are safe and have an unlimited shelf-life.

07-22-2022 Greenworld Environmental Alliance, a 501.c.3 component of Greenworld Innovations, blenders and distributor of De-Oil-It has received a grant sponsored by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conversation Commission to partner with Mote Marine Laboratories in Sarasota, Florida to scale Red Tide Mitigation to open water eradication of red tide and detoxification of k. brevis the toxin that is harmful to aquatic wildlife, fish, and humans. De-Oil-It has proven to produce NON-DETECTION of k. brevis after treatment and to eliminate the red tide algae. Grant ID 9423

7-29-2022 Greenworld Innovations, blender and distributor of De-Oil-It has received a 10-year product umbrella permit that accompanies a purchase and use of De-Oil-It for hydrocarbon remediation innovation technology ID 1646. Remediation of De-Oil-It is now safely allowed for in situ groundwater remediation (such as aquifers, wells, etc.) or water run-off from cleaning entering parking lot and street drains; usage of De-Oil-It in these situations do not require an acceptance letter from FDEP (Florida Department of Environmental Protection) you would if needed refer to FDEP Innovative Technology Application number 1643

09-21-2020 DE-OIL-IT is on the EPA managed NCP list as a Surface Washing Agent #SW-73
Are you interested in helping to direct optimal methods and best practices, enforcing environmentally responsible products? Then consider donating to the 501 c 3 organization Greenworld Environmental Alliance dedicated to this mission. Donations are aimed at the collection of data concerning both GEA testing and field observations of live remediation projects.
That product is something else! I had tar/diesel sludge in a bilge and it all but turned it clear. Very impressive!
– Captain Tom Morehead, Harpoon Charters, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA
All I did was spray on the De-Oil-It product and let it soak for not even 20 minutes. The results were amazing!
-Jeffrey M. Lingner – APF Marine Group, Hauppauge, NY, USA
I used a bucket to collect oil and gas leaking from a boat. To reduce the vapors, I poured some De-Oil-It into the bucket. After some time, the boat was moved and the forgotten bucket was full of completely clear water. The only other thing in the bucket was green algae growing on the sides. What a great product!
-Ron McCarthy, Tampa Bay Yacht Masters, Tamps, FL, USA
Contact Us
- Address:7818-B Causeway Blvd, Tampa FL 33619
- Phone:(407) 574-3898
- Email:info@deoilit.comOpens in your application